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品牌: 瑞隆
型号: GBG16-2S型
包装: 木箱
产地: 衡水
单价: 1200.00元/台
起订: 1 台
供货总量: 9888 台
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
所在地: 河北 衡水市
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2020-05-09 07:23
浏览次数: 286
  • 衡水瑞隆矿山机械有限公司
  • 已缴纳 0.00 元保证金
  • 联系人石杰(先生) 经理     
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  • 邮件2223531449@qq.com
  • 电话13273308303
  • 手机13273308303
  • 地区河北-衡水市
  • 地址河北省衡水市桃城区育才北大街969号11幢1-2层(永利丝网厂内)


The invention discloses a fire extinguishing agent filling device and a filling method thereof. A dry powder fire extinguisher filling machine discloses a fire extinguishing agent filling device and a filling method thereof, the equipment includes vacuum pump, storage container 1, Filling Assembly 1, Storage Container 2, Filling Assembly 2, Storage Container 3, Filling Assembly 3, storage container 4 and Filling Assembly 4. The fire extinguishing agent filling device is used for first vacuumizing the fire extinguisher with a vacuum pump, and then filling the fire extinguisher with at least one solvent stored in the storage container 2 through the Filling Assembly 2, and filling helium stored in storage container 3 in a three-way fire extinguisher filled with a filling assembly, and then filling at least one fire extinguishing agent stored in storage container 1 in a fire extinguisher filled with a filling assembly, the backward fire extinguisher fills nitrogen gas stored in storage container three. The filling machine of dry powder extinguisher is easy to vacuum and leak-check, and it can improve the inner air pressure of Extinguisher, reduce the error of filling pressure of extinguishant caused by pipeline
effectively, so as to improve the filling efficiency and meet the filling requirements of various demands.

The invention discloses a fire extinguishing agent filling device and a filling method thereof. A dry powder fire extinguisher filling machine discloses a fire extinguishing agent filling device and a filling method thereof, the equipment includes vacuum pump, storage container 1, Filling Assembly 1, Storage Container 2, Filling Assembly 2, Storage Container 3, Filling Assembly 3, storage container 4 and Filling Assembly 4. The fire extinguishing agent filling device is used for first vacuumizing the fire extinguisher with a vacuum pump, and then filling the fire extinguisher with at least one solvent stored in the storage container 2 through the Filling Assembly 2, and filling helium stored in storage container 3 in a three-way fire extinguisher filled with a filling assembly, and then filling at least one fire extinguishing agent stored in storage container 1 in a fire extinguisher filled with a filling assembly, the backward fire extinguisher fills nitrogen gas stored in storage container three. The filling machine of dry powder extinguisher is easy to vacuum and leak-check, and it can improve the inner air pressure of Extinguisher, reduce the error of filling pressure of extinguishant caused by pipeline
effectively, so as to improve the filling efficiency and meet the filling requirements of various demands.








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